Anastasia & the ringing cedars of Russia

The wonderful days of sun and sea ensure that I enter the world wide web much less than usual. When I went online late tonight, the sensation was that I voluntarily joined the infusion of dark powers. And of course it is like that, nothing obliges me to do so.

It’s a time when I like to read again. Anastasia – The Ringing Cedars Of Russia series, written by Vladimir Megre. It concerns a series of books that Karin wanted after several people had praised the series. That is actually putting it mildly: they were very inspired, deeply touched, changed inside. Karin read the entire series with great pleasure, I didn’t even get to seriously start part 1. A friend of ours has referred to the book several times over the last few months, and gave me a peculiar look after I told him I hadn’t read the books, as if to say that I was seriously failing me. And now I’ve almost finished part 1; part 2 is lying here, waiting to be picked up.

The same friend would like to own the entire series, but the new books are expensive, his budget does not allow for the purchase. I had told him that I had bought the complete series second-hand from America, and that we had paid an average of eight euros per copy. He liked that. I would arrange this for him too, but then I had to conclude that the second-hand copies had risen alarmingly in price. The books are spiritual, and have a social critique that certainly does not fit the global agenda. So much needs to be banned, surely also this literature that raises the frequencies of its readers and makes their hearts glad.

Last night I therefore searched for free e-book versions of each part. I’m not a fan of digital works, prefer a physical book in hand, but necessity breaks preference, and that’s how I quickly found what I was looking for. I was happily suprised with a single file, downloadable in various formats, containing all parts of the series. The choices for download can be found behind the following link:

For those who have problems with reading, for whatever reason, I would also like to mention that on YouTube there are several channels of people who have recorded the series as audio books. These are easy to find; I am not posting a link here so that everyone can determine for themselves which voice is most comfortable to the ear, so that they can make their own choice. There is a good way to download the files as mp3, the free software can be found via this link: Those who do not use a Linux operating system should choose there: Download for other platforms .

I won’t even begin to reveal anything about the story. I’m not one who reads easily, unless something grabs me, which doesn’t happen very often. The run-up to the book felt a bit stiff to me, but that was soon over. A pleasant reading experience followed, and the pleasure, after having put the book aside, of looking forward to what will follow.

Is Anastasia real or is this all fiction? I dare not answer such a question with certainty in modern times. But when I notice that people who have read the series, or even just part 1, have started to feel a lot better and in harmony with existence, then I dare to attribute reality to the written work. It has often been claimed by researchers that Jesus of Nazareth never existed, and even if that were true, there has always been the consciousness that has brought forth the inspiring words of Jesus to countless people and opened their Hearts. What’s in a name and history if the Inspiration is evident?

I love Jesus and I love Anastasia. Both exhibit Wisdom, Love and Forgiveness. And having to deal with the darkest forces imaginable in existence, nevertheless turn out to be extremely original and creative. The role of the writer in the book is that of the Westerner, with his rudeness and tunnel vision, with which I can identify well. Anastasia takes all the follies of writer Vladimir for granted, never becoming reactive, which makes her mastery of the body-mind palpable. Amazement awakens in me. I want this too. A transformation takes place in the reader just because he reads. Experience yourself.

Greet the reader!


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